Ambassador Events
Our Ambassadors promoted the PROFFORMANCE Assessment Tool by presenting it at the following conferences, thematic webinars, workshops, professional gatherings, meetings, etc.
- 09.01.2025. Educatio- Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
- 27.11.2024. Workshop on "Tools for Developing Teaching Competencies in Educating International Students", Budapest, Hungary
- 18-20.11.2024. CZEDUCON Conference on Internationalisation of Higher Education, Prague, Czechia
- 14-15.11.2024. SQUARE - Addressing 3rd Mission in Universities: Local and Global conference, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 12.11.2024. Gathering of coordinators and professionals of international programmes, Debrecen, Hungary
- 21-22.10.2024. EURASHE Quality Assurance Community of Practice, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 12.10.2024. 5th Conference and Exhibition on Educational Informatics in Higher Education, Budapest, Hungary
- 10.09.2024. Presentation at the European University Alliance meeting, Budapest, Hungary
- 29.11.2023. PAT HU Launch, Budapest, Hungary
- 23-25.11.2023. 2023 European Quality Assurance Forum - EQAF-Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
- 26-29.09.2023 EAIE 2023-Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- 23.06.2023 BWSE for 2030: PLA3 (EUA webinar), Zagreb, Croatia
- 19-21.06.2023 EACEA Cluster Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
- 19-20.06.2023 DisCo Conference, Prague, Czechia
- 07-09.06.2023 Fostering digital pedagogies through international cooperation (ACA), Bled, Slovenia
- 07-09.06.2023 EURASHE 2023 Conference – PROFFORMANCE won the PHE Star Award for Digitalization!, Bucharest, Romania
- 07.06.2023 BFUG WG Teaching and Learning 2nd PLA on Student-centered learning, Bucharest, Romania
- 30.05-02.06.2023 NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference & Expo, Washington D.C, USA
- 05.05.2023 Semmelweis University - Profformance presentation, Budapest, Hungary
- 24-25.04.2023 EDUdig Erasmus+ Project Closing Conference, Linz, Austria
- 20-21.04.2023 ENQA MEMBERS’ FORUM, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 01-02.03.2023 Digitalisation in International Higher Education: Forward-Looking Perspectives conference, Prague, Czechia
- 24.02.2023 Teaching competencies assessment – the Profformance assessment tool (PAT) hands-on workshop, Belgrade, Serbia
- 24.02.2023 Erasmus+ StudES Project Final Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia
- 10.02.2023 OIP 2023 (Education - Information Technology - Pedagogy Conference), University of Debrecen, Hungary
- 16.12.2022 Talks on Quality Assurance (EURASHE online conference), Brussels, Belgium
- 21-22.11.2022 CZEDUCON Conference, Prague, Czechia
- 17-19.11.2022 EQUAF 2022 Conference, West University of Timisoara, Romania
- 28.10.2022 Educational Informatics in Higher Education Conference, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary
- 27-28.10.2022 BFUG PLA: Professional development for teachers in Higher Education, Paris, France
- 30.09.2022 BFUG- PROFFORMANCE+ Synergies - Teaching and learning- WG Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
- 08.09.2022 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - Profformance+ workshop, Prague, Czechia
CZEDUCON Conference on Internationalisation of Higher Education
SQUARE - Addressing 3rd Mission in Universities: Local and Global conference
Gathering of coordinators and professionals of international programmes
Presentation at the European University Alliance meeting
2023 European Quality Assurance Forum - EQAF-Aveiro
BWSE for 2030: PLA3 (EUA webinar)
DisCo 2023 conference: Development of Digital and Entrepreneurial Competences through Digitally Enhanced Learning
Fostering digital pedagogies through international cooperation (ACA)
BFUG WG Teaching and Learning 2nd PLA on Student-centered learning
NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference & Expo
EDUdig Erasmus+ Project Closing Conference
Digitalisation in International Higher Education: Forward-Looking Perspectives conference
Talks on Quality Assurance (EURASHE online conference)
CZEDUCON Conference- International Conference on Strategy and Policy in Higher Education
2022 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF)
Erasmus+ StudES Project Final Symposium
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