EACEA Cluster Meeting

19-21. 06. 2023. | Brussels, Belgium

Title EACEA Cluster Meeting
Organising institution European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Link of the event

Bologna process: How Erasmus + projects support its implementation – A cluster event tracking the impact - European Commission

New publication: European Higher Education Area (EHEA) cluster meeting - Impact of the EHEA projects - European Commission

European Higher Education Area (EHEA) cluster meeting - Publications Office of the EU

Country Belgium
Town Brussels
Type of the event In-person
Date 19-21.06.2023.
Short description

At the second EHEA cluster event in June 2023, participants reviewed the achievements and challenges of 40 Erasmus+ EHEA projects (2018–2024), focusing on quality assurance, automatic recognition, National Qualifications Frameworks, microcredentials, inclusion, and fundamental academic values, and concluded with key findings to strengthen the European Higher Education Area. Petra Neymayer and Dr. Márton Beke have been participated and promoted PROFFORMANCE results.