Profformance+ Webinars

The aim of the PROFFORMANCE project is to build a community and to provide a forum for higher education professionals, teachers, institution leaders, quality assurance experts, and policymakers to meet, and exchange ideas and experiences. In 2023 PROFFORMANCE consortium launches a series of thematic webinars focusing on the main thematic areas of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool. 

These webinars aim to present good practices in that field by inviting experts from the teaching excellence database who applied for the first PROFFORMANCE Higher education Teacher Award 2021/2022. The webinars are planned to consist of two parts. In the first part, participants can get to know 4-5 good practices and discuss their experience, and in the second part, they may try out the relevant part of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool. 

This would not only give you an insight into the tool, but it allows networking and exchanging experience with an international audience. 


The exact dates of these webinars are coming soon.