Profformance+ Webinars

PROFFORMANCE+ Thematic webinar series for higher education teachers

International good practice demonstrations and professional networking have been in the focus of the PROFFORMANCE international webinar series, where participants could learn about the teaching methodologies of higher education in 6 countries, got to know the relevant parts of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool, and could get involved in professional exchange of views and experiences.

The program series have been based on the PROFFORMANCE teacher excellence database, which contains 126 higher education methodological good practices submitted by 6 countries' educators and professional communities for the 2021/2022 PROFFORMANCE Higher Education Teacher Award

The webinars mostly consisted of two parts. In the first part, participants could learn about and discuss good practices related to the given topic, while in the second part, they could choose from various activities. There was also an opportunity to get to know the relevant part of the PROFFORMANCE assessment tool and to engage in knowledge exchange, and professional networking with the other participants by indulging into practical demonstrations of the selected good practices.

Communication of the webinars content beside newsletters, webpages, communication campaigns an announcement at different events, it used direct mails in 6 countries sent by ministries/national agencies through international coordinators reaching out to the institutions’ community. To each of the webinar around 350-400 registrations have been collected, while 100-150 participants followed the webinar online at each event. Altogether 3000 HE teachers have been reacted to the communication and received all materials and 800-1000 teachers has participated live at the webinars, there were 1000 participants who visited several events.

The series proved to be an effective method too reach out to ten thousends of higher education stakeholders to get to know the PROFFORMANCE toolkit. The project's main product is the PROFFORMANCE toolkit consisting an assessment tool, which examines teaching performance from 6 thematic areas (student-centered course design, teaching and learning, student work evaluation, social impact, professional development, organization and administration), 4 main priority areas (digitization, internationalization, inclusion, sustainability), from 3 perspectives (self, peer, and student).

The structure of the international teacher award categories and database follow the thematic areas of the assessment tool so that the good examples in the database could provide opportunities for teachers to improve their teaching, get inspiration and establish new professional partnerships. The project aimed to provide a forum for professional community building and meetings among higher education professionals, teachers, institutional leaders, quality assurance experts, and policymakers. There were some feedback that based on the presentations some contacts have been made among speakers and participants after the webinar.

Webinars in 2023

Student-centered course design

Assessment of students' learning

Impact and mission with and for society

Innovative teaching and learning

Webinars in 2024

Inclusion in HE education

Internationalization in HE education

Sustainability in HE education

Digitalization in HE education


Videos registered at the webinars can be found under these links:*sustainability-in-higher-education*digitalization-of-teaching-and-learning-in-higher-education