About Profformance+


PROFFORMANCE+ builds on the results of its precedent project, PROFFORMANCE (2020-2022)

Main objectives of PROFFORMANCE+ project

  • Promotion of the PROFFORMANCE toolkit in EHEA countries at EHEA, EU, national, HEI and teacher level
  • Further developing the framework of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment Tool and reinforcing horizontal aspects alongside of the main EHEA and new EU priorities: digitalization, inclusion, sustainability and internationalization, in international working groups and PLAs.
  • Exchange of knowledge and best practices
  • Involvement of and cooperation with EUNs, PROFFORMANCE community.

Main activities

  • PROFFORMANCE Ambassador Roadshow 

  • Thematic webinars on best practices: presentation and testing of the PROFFORMANCE assessment tool  

  • Peer-learning activities (PLA) and specialized working groups (WG): on each horizontal aspects/priority areas: Digitalization, Inclusion, Internationalization, Sustainability 

  • Developing toolkit elements (guidelines, online courses)

  • The second round of the PROFFORMANCE HE Teacher Award and further development of the Teaching Excellence Database 

  • Community building (LinkedIn, newsletter)  

Partners >>

Experts >>

Table of contents

  1. Background and rationale
  2. Precedent project - PROFFORMANCE
  3. PROFFORMANCE+ project
    1. Objectives
    2. Main goals
  4. The added value of the project
  5. Technical information

Background and rationale 

Higher education institutions have a crucial pro-c-re-a(c)tive role in tackling societal and economical challenges. The constant change in the global and local environment requires ceaseless transformation and adaptation of higher education, demanding resilience from all its stakeholders. For the competitiveness of European Higher Education, multilevel cooperation in teaching-research-third mission and innovation projects between universities and stakeholders is indispensable, hence making it possible to build stronger synergies between the European Education Area, the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area thus achieving impact at a greater extent. 

The reinforced priority areas of the Rome Communique (inclusive, innovative and interconnected Europe – with special regard to the digital and green transition and inclusion by universal design) imply systematic and complex competence development at HEIs. The main actors in handling all these challenges are higher education teachers with strong support and orientation of national policy decision-makers and institutional strategic management. 

All the mentioned priority objectives can be transmitted, and actions can be supported through the teaching and learning process for which it is indispensable to enhance quality and redefine processes and outcomes of T&L by raising awareness, and improving and diversifying competencies of both teachers and students. 

Precedent project - PROFFORMANCE 

The PROFFORMANCE+ project is a continuation of the first PROFFORMANCE project (2020-2022) which benchmarked the teacher performance landscape in the participating countries, collected all roles, tasks, and responsibilities of higher education teachers and created a competence framework and an assessment toolkit. 

Main results of the project: 

  • The final product of the project was the PROFFORMANCE assessment tool, which serves as a compass for higher education teachers and managers with formative and guiding characteristics for supporting their diverse student body to meet societal and labour market requirements and be pro-c-reactive citizens. The freely available, online assessment tool consists of 6 thematic areas for self, peer and student assessment with regard to EHEA horizontal priorities (digitalization, internationalization, inclusion, sustainability) as well. 
  • Benchmarking report - based on the answers of 156 HEIs in a survey conducted in November 2020 - on institutional strategies and good practices in teaching and learning and assessment-development incentives of HE teachers, with recommendations. 

  • Online, searchable database on teaching excellence containing 126 good practices collected in the frame of the first PROFFORMANCE HE teacher award 2021/2022. The database is searchable according to 4 thematic areas and EHEA priorities and also by HEIs or the consortium partner countries.  

Partners of  PROFFORMANCE project 

Experts of PROFFORMANCE project 

PROFFORMANCE+ (2022-2025) 


The PROFFORMANCE+ (2022-2025) project aims to continue a guiding and supporting mission for higher education actors at all relevant levels (EU, EHEA, national, HEI) with a special focus and address to HE teachers with a parallel bottom-up and top-down approach.  

The PROFFORMANCE+ project’s main focus thus is the quality enhancement of T&L with special attention to the priorities of Rome Communique: digitalisation, inclusion, internationalization and sustainability, taking into consideration the messages of related European and international policy topics and documents as European skills agenda, goals addressing HE in European Education Area 2025,  namely the currently planned European Strategy for Universities, related objectives of Digital Education Action Plan, Green Deal and SDGs 2030. 

The information channel from the EU/EHEA policy forums through national decision-makers and HEI management is often too long to reach the teaching staff at HEIs. Contents and policy requirements of the above-mentioned documents hardly reach out to higher education teachers, and they receive very little support on how to apply those actions in their everyday activities with their overwhelming workload.  

The PROFFORMANCE+ toolkit aims to be a compass, providing navigation among different policy requirements and also giving support for teachers to improve their teaching.  

  1. Promoting the PROFFORMANCE products – especially the PROFFORMANCE Assessment toolkit and the teaching excellence practices – all around the EHEA at various fora and special PROFFORMANCE Ambassador events and PROFFORMANCE thematic webinars.  
  1. Further development of the PROFFORMANCE assessment tool for HE teacher performance to a well-rounded assessment system including digitalization, inclusion, internationalization, and sustainability drawing the attention of teachers and stakeholders to the most up-to-date trends of teaching and learning.   

  1. Elaboration of a new formative toolkit (training module for teachers) which consists of a course portal, a best practice database, guidelines and manuals and also short online courses, which will be available for individual teachers and institutions. 

  1. Organising the 2nd round of the PROFFORMANCE International HE teacher award along the 4 EHEA priorities and further developing the teaching excellence database with new good practices from the participating countries. 

  1. The networking and knowledge exchange forums at all possible channels – webinars, stakeholder events, PLAs, marketplace forums, and social media networks will contribute to the international exchange of knowledge, to cooperation in teaching, research and 3rd mission activities thus to the synergies of EHEA  and ERA on the long term. 

  • enhanced quality of teaching and learning at HEIs and at HE in EHEA 

  •  developed content of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment toolkit (based on users’ feedback)  

  • significant outreach to the HE community 

  • focus on new EHEA priority areas (digitalization, internationalization, inclusion, sustainability) 

  • well-rounded framework for HE teacher support 

  • toolkit for further training of teachers in teaching and learning alongside the 4 EHEA priority areas 

  • exchange of knowledge and experience in the community of PROFFORMANCE users, and experts.

Project 101061368 — PROFFORMANCE PLUS 

Project name / Title: Professionalism and high performance in Higher Education - Enhanced PROFFORMANCE toolkit for 21st century teachers 

Project acronym: PROFFORMANCE PLUS 

Project number: 101061368 

Call: European Higher Education Area (EHEA) - Initiative to support the implementation of reforms - ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EHEA-IBA 

  • Topic: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EHEA-IBA 

  • Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants 

  • Grant form: Lump Sum 

Project starting date: fixed date: 1 September 2022 Project end date: 31 August 2025 

Maximum grant amount: 499 721.00 EUR