Oktatásinformatika a felsőoktatásban III. – A mesterséges intelligencia a felsőoktatásban

28. 10. 2022. | Budapest, Hungary

Title Oktatásinformatika a felsőoktatásban III. – A mesterséges intelligencia a felsőoktatásban
Organising institution Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem IKT Kutatóközpontja és a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Karának Oktatásinformatikai Továbbképző Központja
Link of the event

Oktatásinformatika a felsőoktatásban III. – Mesterséges intelligencia a felsőoktatásban 2022. október 28.


Country Hungary
Town Budapest
Type of the event In-person
Date 28. 10. 2022.
Short description

At the higher education conference organized by Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, the PROFFORMANCE team (Dr. Márton Beke, Szilvia Besze and Lilla Lőrik) presented the PROFFORMANCE three-dimensional, multi-perspective assessment tool for teachers' performance designed specifically for higher education institutions. During the workshop, participants learned how this comprehensive and adaptable platform covers a wide range of teaching roles, tasks, and competencies, while also addressing key areas like digitalization, inclusion, internationalization, and sustainability. Attendees—including university lecturers, institutional leaders, IT professionals and quality assurance experts—were able to explore the tool in practice, pose questions, and offer feedback on potential applications within their respective institutions. PROFFORMANCE’s presence highlighted how the tool can enhance existing quality assurance systems, and how its democratic and neutral characteristics make it especially valuable for European-level partnerships, such as European University Alliances. At the workshop participants got familiarized with this free tool at tool.profformance.eu, discovering its role in supporting evidence-based decision-making and improving the overall quality of teaching and learning.