The PROFFORMANCE Ambassador Roadshow is a series of presentations and workshops designed to promote the PROFFORMANCE Assessment Toolkit—the Assessment tool, a free, three-dimensional framework, the international Teaching Excellence Database and the Course Portal that supports higher education (HE) teachers and institutions to assess and to develop higher education teachers’ competencies thus to enhance teaching quality at universities. During these events, PROFFORMANCE Ambassadors (experts and project partners) present the toolkit, conduct hands-on demonstrations, explains how the tool aligns with European Higher Education Area (EHEA) priorities (digitalization, internationalization, inclusion, and sustainability) and discuss how to best use the toolkit at the higher education institutions.
During the PROFFORMANCE Ambassador Roadshow, a total of 30 events were implemented between 2022-2025, spanning 13 countries and 15 cities. The cities hosting the greatest number of activities were Budapest (8) and Prague (5), signaling strong involvement from Hungarian and Czech institutions, followed by Brussels, Bucharest, Debrecen, and Tbilisi (2 each).
While around 20 of these events were international—often involving BFUG, ENQA, or EURASHE—roughly 10 focused on a single country’s higher education context with 5 online, 2 hybrid, and 23 physical sessions.
Overall, 30 presentations introduced the tool’s concept and usability, and 8 workshops offered hands-on demonstrations, with some events featuring both formats.
These statistics underscore the tool’s growing recognition in various HE settings; the significant number of physical sessions reveals strong interest in interactive, face-to-face engagement, and the high share of international events highlights PROFFORMANCE’s alignment with broader European policy and quality assurance initiatives.
Alignment with EHEA Priorities
Event reports justifies how well the PROFFORMANCE Assessment Tool aligns with the EHEA’s main priorities: digitalization, internationalization, inclusion, and sustainability. Participants often highlight its value for developing educators’ digital skills, either teaching in physical, online or blended/hybrid settings. They also appreciate that it is available in 7 languages, and also emphasises how to teach in an international environment and to students with various nationality and culture, which support institutions aiming for stronger international collaboration. Competency areas focusing on how to address diverse learners’ needs help teachers to develop a universally designed curricula, applying tailor-made teaching and learning methodology. Finally, sustainability emerges as a growing theme, supporting educators how to embed environmental and social issues into their courses and everyday teaching practices.
Wider outreach and recognition
PROFFORMANCE was presented to a wide and diverse audience at various gatherings, including events organized by the BFUG Teaching & Learning Working Group, EURASHE, and the ENQA Members’ Forum. The tool's widespread relevance is further demonstrated by showcasing its results at prestigious international conferences such as NAFSA, EAIE. Its presence at these reputable platforms highlights how well the tool aligns with EHEA and EU policy objectives and existing quality assurance frameworks, emphasizing its usefulness for both internal and external quality assurance processes. Policy makers, quality assurance professionals, and academic institutions may consider using PROFFORMANCE’s evidence-based approach as complementary to their existing systems, thereby contributing to a culture of continuous improvement across European higher education.
The PROFFORMANCE Ambassador Roadshow stands as a model of pan-European collaboration, effectively bridging policy objectives and on-the-ground teaching practices.
5. About PROFFORMANCE Ambassadors
PROFFORMANCE Ambassadors are partners, experts affiliated with the PROFFORMANCE+ project. They provide hands-on workshops, presentations, and strategic consultations for higher education institutions seeking to adopt the assessment tool.
For more details, please contact:
Our Ambassadors promoted the PROFFORMANCE Assessment Tool by presenting it at the following conferences, thematic webinars, workshops, professional gatherings, meetings, etc.
09.01.2025. Educatio- Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
27.11.2024. Workshop on "Tools for Developing Teaching Competencies in Educating International Students", Budapest, Hungary
18-20.11.2024. CZEDUCON Conference on Internationalisation of Higher Education, Prague, Czechia
14-15.11.2024. SQUARE - Addressing 3rd Mission in Universities: Local and Global conference, Tbilisi, Georgia
12.11.2024. Gathering of coordinators and professionals of international programmes, Debrecen, Hungary
21-22.10.2024. EURASHE Quality Assurance Community of Practice, Vilnius, Lithuania
12.10.2024. 5th Conference and Exhibition on Educational Informatics in Higher Education, Budapest, Hungary
10.09.2024. Presentation at the European University Alliance meeting, Budapest, Hungary
29.11.2023. PAT HU Launch, Budapest, Hungary
23-25.11.2023. 2023 European Quality Assurance Forum - EQAF-Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
26-29.09.2023 EAIE 2023-Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
23.06.2023 BWSE for 2030: PLA3 (EUA webinar), Zagreb, Croatia
19-21.06.2023 EACEA Cluster Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
19-20.06.2023 DisCo Conference, Prague, Czechia
07-09.06.2023 Fostering digital pedagogies through international cooperation (ACA), Bled, Slovenia
07-09.06.2023 EURASHE 2023 Conference – PROFFORMANCE won the PHE Star Award for Digitalization!, Bucharest, Romania
07.06.2023 BFUG WG Teaching and Learning 2nd PLA on Student-centered learning, Bucharest, Romania
30.05-02.06.2023 NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference & Expo, Washington D.C, USA
05.05.2023 Semmelweis University - Profformance presentation, Budapest, Hungary
24-25.04.2023 EDUdig Erasmus+ Project Closing Conference, Linz, Austria
20-21.04.2023 ENQA MEMBERS’ FORUM, Tbilisi, Georgia
01-02.03.2023 Digitalisation in International Higher Education: Forward-Looking Perspectives conference, Prague, Czechia
24.02.2023 Teaching competencies assessment – the Profformance assessment tool (PAT) hands-on workshop, Belgrade, Serbia
24.02.2023 Erasmus+ StudES Project Final Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia
10.02.2023 OIP 2023 (Education - Information Technology - Pedagogy Conference), University of Debrecen, Hungary
16.12.2022 Talks on Quality Assurance (EURASHE online conference), Brussels, Belgium
21-22.11.2022 CZEDUCON Conference, Prague, Czechia
17-19.11.2022 EQUAF 2022 Conference, West University of Timisoara, Romania
28.10.2022 Educational Informatics in Higher Education Conference, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary
27-28.10.2022 BFUG PLA: Professional development for teachers in Higher Education, Paris, France
30.09.2022 BFUG- PROFFORMANCE+ Synergies - Teaching and learning- WG Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
08.09.2022 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - Profformance+ workshop, Prague, Czechia
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