2021-01-28 12:18:24
Tasks and activities of 21st century teachers- Results of PLA1 Day1
On the 8th December 2020 PLA, PROFFORMANCE experts discussed what roles, tasks and activities must a higher education teacher fulfill in the 21st century.
Almost 30 experts brought together to define the basic structure of the planned PROFFORMANCE assessment tool for teachers' performance. The aim of the PROFFORMANCE project is the development of a set of criteria for teachers’ roles, tasks and elaborate an Assessment Tool (AT) for the evaluation of teacher competencies in their tasks in relation to a broader concept of teaching and learning.
For this venture the first step was to define the areas of practices and activities of what the higher education teachers do in their academic life. For this regard experts took into consideration not only existing practices, but also those roles what is expected by policy documents at national and EU/EHEA level as well.
As preparation for the meeting, experts participated in an asynchron mindmapping exercise, through which teachers' tasks have been collected into 12 thematic areas. Upon application and preferences 3 working groups have been created with 2 co-leaders for each, with the responsibility for 4 thematic areas.
On the day of the meeting, we started with an informal online welcome coffee to greet each other, and to see a video about the beautiful city of Zadar, where we were supposed to meet in normal circumstances. We have also heared the online welcome speech of the Rector of the University of Zadar and a virtual tour around the university building made the online space a little friendlier.
After the greetings by the Croatian and Hungarian ministries as the co-organisers of the PLA, Klára-Engels Perényi form the European Commission, presented various connected European policies providing the context for the discussions. Vilmos Vass, the lead expert of the project described the structure, the logic of the PLAs and outlined the expected outputs of the day, then Daliborka Luketic explained the background and the methodology of the work.
In the first interactive part it was important to get to a common ground with the experts on their attitudes and opinions on the concept of assessment.We used menti votes and discussed findings and different point of views.
After the break, important inputs had been given to further work. Daliborka Luketic showed the methodology they used in their EDUCA-t project, how they developed their teacher competence framework, then László Horváth and Günter Wagender presented the first preliminary findings of the PROFFORMANCE benchmarking survey to consider its findings during the discussions.
Our special guest from OECD, Carlos Teixeira presented the OECD project "Support for the Digital Transformation of Hungarian Higher Education". Then upon Daliborka Luketic's inputs, experts started their collaborative work in their working groups.
At the end, WG leaders reflected on challenges and outputs and experts agreed on next steps and methodology of their follow-up works between the two days of the PLA.
In order to counterbalance the tiring screentime, during the implementation, we paid more attention to the appropriate proportion of plenary presentations and interactive discussions. Also to compensate the missing social interactions, and as Christmas has been approaching, during the lunch break, the participants prepared the PROFFORMANCE international recipe collection, which we recommend to everyone.
The presentations of the day can be found here, some pictures of the day are available here.