
2023-03-07 12:55:12

PROFFORMANCE+ webinar on Student centred course design

PROFFORMANCE+ consortium invites you to the first session of the webinar series which takes place 28th March 2023, between 14.00-16.00 CET, online. 100+ higher education teachers, professionals, institutional leaders come together to get an overview on PROFFORMANCE project and products, and a panorama on student centred course variations.

After the good partice pitches in the first part, there will be also an opportunity for the participants to discuss how to plan student centred courses, they can exchange ideas and find new partnerships. There will be also an opportunity to discuss how the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool can navigate teachers to better adjust their courses to students’ needs.

Hope you will join the PROFFORMANCE community.

Here you can find the webinar programme: Agenda * webinar-student-centred-course-design | Profformance

Here you can registerhttps://tka.hu/international_events/16970/student-centred-course-design

You can read more about the PROFFORMANCE Webinar-series at PROFFORMANCE+ Thematic Webinar series starts in March | Profformance

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