
2023-04-24 10:52:30

Assessment of students' learning | 6th June 2023

100+ higher education teachers, professionals, and institutional leaders come together to get an overview of the PROFFORMANCE project and products, and a panorama of different approaches and methodologies of the assessment of students' learning.

After the good practice pitches in the first part, there will also be an opportunity for the participants to discuss how to design and adjust the assessment of learning to students' needs, they can exchange ideas and discussion on how to adapt good practices in their own assessment practices. There will be also an opportunity to discuss how the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool can navigate teachers on how to make assessments more engaging for students and more relevant to measure how learning outcomes have been achieved.

Click here to have more information about the webinar.

Visit the event page of the Profformance+ Webinars, where you can find more information about the previous and upcoming thematic webinars.