
2023-02-03 12:01:43

Mutual peer learning continued in PROFFORMANCE+

The PROFFORMANCE+ community came together for a peer-learning activity on 25th January to discuss their achievements and practices in 4 EHEA priorities (digitalisation, internationalisation, inclusion and sustainability) in teaching and learning at the national and HE institutional levels.

The event has started with an overview of the various achievements happened so far. The partner and expert kick-off meeting, the various PROFFORMANCE Ambassador events (at EQAF, CZEDUCON, EURASHE talks, various national level conferences), Ambassador preparatory events, cooperation with the Bologna Follow-Up Group on Teaching and Learning. The renewed website has been also presented where the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool and the PROFFORMANCE teaching excellence database can be easily reached.

The methodology of the day followed the practices developed during the predecessor project, that experts and partners had preparatory tasks and prepared in advance and inputs had been processed and discussed during the day.

As a continuation of the expert kick-off, where European policy context in the 4 EHEA priorities have been shown, in the first part national partners of the consortium gave an overview on national policies, strategies, practices, and during a plenary discussion participants could express their views on the topic. The palette of the consortium, so the composition of the participants is colourful as it consists of ministries, educational agencies, professional organisations, higher education institutions, umbrella organisations, student bodies and outstanding international experts representing 11 countries.

The dialogue among these parties facilitates multilevel impact and forces their relationship as well. The wide geographical coverage from east to west and north to south, and the vertical variation of all higher education stakeholders from students, teachers and institutional management assures that all kinds of points of view will be embedded into the results. It is shown in the Padlet which was prepared for and during the break-out sessions. Experts previously gave their inputs on institutional goals, priorities, challenges and good practices on EHEA priorities in teaching and learning alongside the 4 EHEA priorities. During the discussions, experts prepared a SWOT analysis (feel free to zoom into the picture, it won't lose its quality), to find strengths and weaknesses, and threats and opportunities of their higher education institutions in these aspects.

The results are very rich, so the mutual peer learning worked well, and the work can be continued, to define how higher education institutions and teachers can be supported to achieve European and national policy goals. PROFFORMANCE+ project works to develop a toolkit which facilitates assessment, development on these areas.

To be continued.