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Assessment Tool

The aim of the assessment tool session is to give participants an impression of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool.

Participants could participate in a joint assessment before the webinar and during the session the results of this assessment will be discussed, and participants can tell their opinion and raise their questions.

Those who are registered - will receive a generated test credential in their own email address, with which they can fill in the assessment before the webinar. These once-usable credentials are generated only to fill in the assessment for the webinar and personal data are not linked to the system. So, participants remain anonymous.

You may find a guide here on how to do a self-assessment.

Please note - that in this webinar we do not go into technical issues of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool platform.

For technical issues please consult the guidelines and tutorials on the platform: https://tool.profformance.eu/content/show/guide_and_tutorial


We are looking forward to meeting you soon.


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