
PROFFORMANCE+ Expert Kick-off Meeting | 14. November 2022


Greetings – Ministry for Culture and Innovation, Tempus Public Foundation 

Introduction, the status of the project – Dr. Márton Beke 

Overview of PPLUS project activities – Szilvia Besze 

Expert round table – moderated by Vilmos Vass 
11:30-11:45 Short break 

Horizontal aspects in teaching and learning  

Presentations and interactive plenary sessions with QA  

1. Digitalisation Jan Beseda (Centre for Higher Education Studies)

2. Internationalisation Irine Darchia (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)

3. Inclusion Silke Preymann (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)

4. Sustainability Barbara Coelho Gabriel (University of Aveiro), Ruadhri Neavyn (Higher Education Authority Ireland)

13:15-14:15  Lunch break 

4 break-out rooms for the 4 priorities 

Facilitators are the presenters 

1. Digitalisation – Jan Beseda  

2. Internationalisation – Irine Darchia  

3. Inclusion – Silke Preymann  

15:45-16:15  Plenary feedback, summary, next steps 

PROFFORMANCE+ Expert Kick-off Meeting | 15. November 2022


Introduction of the PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool 

  1. Presentation of the platform
  2. Live tutorial – participants may synchronously learn how to use the tool 
  1. individual use 
  1. QA, remarks, feedback 

How to best organise ambassador events? 

Plenary discussions