
Internationalisation in Higher Education: Empowering Innovative teaching and learning practices across borders / (CET) 14:00-16:00 a.m. 16 May 2024

Place: Zoom (Link will be provided to the registered participants via email)

End of registration: (CET) 12:00 16 May 2024

The sixth event of the PROFFORMANCE+ Thematic Webinar Series will be co-organized by the Ministry of Education and Foundation Tempus (Serbia) and will focus on innovative teaching and learning practices in an international context. We will be sharing several innovative practices from the PROFFORMANCE teaching excellence database.

Participation is free, but registration is required. 

14:00 – 14:30

Greetings and Serbian background

  • Greetings from the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Foundation Tempus

​Milica Sočanac, Ministry of Education, Department for International Cooperation and EU Integration and Tatjana Stanković, Acting Coordinator of Higher Education Unit, Foundation Tempus, Serbia

  • Presentation of the Ministry of Education: Serbian background

Milica Sočanac, Ministry of Education, Department for International Cooperation and EU Integration, Serbia

  • Presentation of the Foundation Tempus: EMI project and other activities regarding internationalisation

Sofija Petrović Đemidžić, Project Officer in the Field of Higher Education, Foundation Tempus, Serbia

PROFFORMANCE (+) Projects and Products

  • Presentation on the PROFFORMANCE+ Project and tools - Internationalisation

Branka Milenković, Assistant Professor, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

Szilvia Besze, senior coordinator, Tempus Public Foundation, Hungary

14:30 – 15:00

7 minutes pitches on the topic of Internationalisation

Good practice presentations from the Teaching Excellence Database

Biljana Mišić Ilić, Full professor, University of Niš, Serbia

Rita Koris, Associate Professor, Budapest Business University, Hungary

- Eithne Knappitsch, Professor of Intercultural Management, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria
- Barbara Covarrubias-Venegas, External Lecturer, Ferdinand Porsche FernFH, Austria
- Anna Zinenko, Lecturer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain & External Lecturer, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria

15:00 – 16:00
Community building – networking – interactive discussions
15:00 – 15:10 Introduction to the breakout room session
15:10 – 15:30

Parallel breakout rooms

  • Service-learning in EFL teachers’ education
  • 3-2-1 ACCESS
15.30 – 15.50

Parallel breakout rooms

  • Global Case Study Challenge
  • EMI project (Foundation Tempus)
15:50 – 16:00 Wrapping up


In case of any questions, we are ready to help you at the e-mail address: