
Sustainability in Higher Education: Embedding Sustainability in Teaching and Learning

(CET) 14:00-16:00 a.m. 8 October 2024

Place: Zoom (Link will be provided to the registered participants via email)

End of registration: (CET) 12:00 8 October 2024

The seventh event of the PROFFORMANCE+ Thematic Webinar Series will be co-organized by the Ministry of Education and Foundation Tempus (Serbia) and will focus on innovative teaching and learning practices  in the context of sustainability. We will be sharing several innovative practices from the PROFFORMANCE teaching excellence database.

Participation is free, but registration is required. 

14:00 – 14:30
Introductory session

Greetings and Serbian background

  • Greetings from the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Foundation Tempus
  • Presentation of the Ministry of Education: Serbian background
    Dr. Tanja Radošević, Ministry of Education, Serbia

PROFFORMANCE (+) Projects and Products

  • Presentation on the PROFFORMANCE+ Project and tools with special focus on sustainability
    Lali Giorgidze, Higher Education Expert & Doctoral Assistant, Institute of Management, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Georgia
14:30 – 15:30
15-minute presentations on the topic of Sustainability+ interactive discussions 

Presentations of good practice from the Teaching Excellence Database:

E+ project good practice presentation:

15.30 – 16.00
Autumn 2024 Call for the PROFFORMANCE Teaching Excellence Award

Teaching Excellence Award and Database  

Video on the database

Teaching Excellence Award Q&A 


In case of any questions, we are ready to help you at the e-mail address: